We’re delighted to open and welcoming guests to No 53 Frederick Street!
As with everywhere, we have had to make a few changes to keep our guests and ourselves as safe as possible, however we are confident your stay in Edinburgh will still be as comfortable and enjoyable as ever!
Below are a few changes we have made to keep everyone safer and to allow us to keep with the government guidance, if you would like to know more… read on!
- We have removed extra cushions, bedspreads and soft furnishings from rooms, however if you do need any extra bedding, please just ask us.
- We have limited the tea, coffee, milks etc in the rooms. There are plenty spares in the corridor if you need more.
- We will be doing the cleaning ourselves for the time being to limit the number of people coming in and out of the house, and guest rooms. On arrival we will speak to each guest about room cleaning and discuss what they feel comfortable with during their stay.
- We have removed guest books from the room for now, there is still an information sheet with essential information (e.g WIFI code!). You can find all the other information from our guestbook on our website; www.53frederickstreet.com
- We have heightened our cleaning, including extra sanitation in communal areas, and installed hand sanitiser dispensers at entry/exits.
- Our guest lounge is closed for now.
- We have updated our check in time to 3pm, to allow us extra cleaning time, we will of course accommodate early check in if we can.
- Unfortunately, we will not be able to store luggage between check in/out and travel.
- Please keep to the recommended 2m social distance, if this is not possible please ensure to wear a mask.
We’re learning and adapting to these changes, if there is anything you feel we could do better or safer please just let us know. We may be at a distance but we are still here to make your stay as comfortable as possible!
Katy & David